
Why I’ve joined Digital-Collective.Co

Why I’ve joined Digital-Collective.Co

I’ve got some exciting news. I’ve recently joined a digital marketing collective called Digital-Collective.Co. What’s a collective and why have I joined one, I hear you ask? Let me tell you a bit more about it.

What is Digital-Collective.Co?

Digital-Collective.Co is a collective of like-minded digital experts who are working together to provide unique digital marketing solutions. Our mission is to help clients build commercially viable businesses and communicate messages and stories authentically.

We all have our own unique strengths – social media, copywriting, branding, strategy, media buying, web design, and development. However, like many things, we believe we are stronger together. We have joined our unique strengths to help clients with the whole gamut of digital marketing.

Unlike an agency, we are all freelancers and aren’t employed by DC. We work remotely and are based all around the world, although most of us are in Sydney. We all have our own projects and then come together for big and small Digital-Collective projects.

Although I love having my own business and have more than enough writing work, there are a few reasons why I’ve joined DC.

1. I like working as a team

One of the annoying things about being a freelancer is you get lonely. You’re working on your own projects all day and sometimes it’s nice to bounce ideas off someone or share the load. One way I’ve combatted this is by joining The Clever Copywriting School which is a great community of like-minded copywriters. However, with the Digital Collective, I get to work with people on the same project. I get to join in Zoom calls and we even went out to lunch a few weeks ago. It’s a nice change from the loneliness of being a sole trader.

2. I can help my existing clients

Clients who come to me for copywriting sometimes also need other skills like website design, social media strategy or need some branding design. In the past, I wouldn’t be able to help but now I have a team of specialists I can recommend. This is huge for my clients because I can be involved in all areas of the project, can share the background and competitor research I’ve done with my DC colleagues and can help project manage which will hopefully make the whole project more streamlined.

3. I like being involved in bigger projects

When I worked at Yahoo7, I was involved in some big redesigns including the frontpage and news pages. It was so exciting to be part of a big team and knowing my little part made a difference to the experience thousands of people will have. Being part of DC is the same. I love that I can make a small difference in a big project. I know that my words and guidance will help steer the project and together we ultimately deliver something awesome.

4. I love learning new skills

Working with a team of different skillsets means I’m picking up new skills all the time. I’m learning more about ecommerce copywriting and practising new programs like Shopify, I’m learning about digital marketing strategy and I’m picking up heaps of information about branding. I take any opportunity I can to learn and improve myself and being a part of DC has already been a huge learning curve.

If you need some broader digital marketing help, check out the Digital Collective website or get in touch with me and I can set up a meeting.

How about you? Do you find giving feedback difficult? Or is it just all a part of a good client/customer relationship?

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