

Exposing A Con-Man

In one of my favourite films, “Catch me if you can” starring Tom Hanks and Leonardo DiCaprio, DiCaprio plays a young con-man who successfully convinces people he is a pilot, a lawyer, and even a doctor, before Hanks’s character (a determined FBI agent) pursues him, and a sophisticated game of “cat and mouse” ensues. DiCaprio has an alluring charm characteristic of con-men,

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How to give content writers feedback

Why I’ve joined Digital-Collective.Co How to get the right copywriting for your business You’ve signed on a copywriter to do some valuable writing work for your organisation. They’ve sent through the first draft and it’s… er… well, not what you were expecting. Don’t freak out! This is all part of the process and is why we have more than one draft

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Why I’ve joined Digital-Collective.Co

Why I’ve joined Digital-Collective.Co I’ve got some exciting news. I’ve recently joined a digital marketing collective called Digital-Collective.Co. What’s a collective and why have I joined one, I hear you ask? Let me tell you a bit more about it. What is Digital-Collective.Co? Digital-Collective.Co is a collective of like-minded digital experts who are working together to provide unique digital marketing solutions. Our

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My year in review – 2020 and all that jazz

My year in review – 2020 and all that jazz I think we can all agree, it’s been quite the year. It’s been unprecedented… we’ve all learnt to pivot…. we’ve done more zooms than we ever thought possible. If nothing else, we’ve at least added some interesting words to our daily vernacular. And just when we’re at the tail end, parts of Sydney have faced

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7 writing tools I use every day

7 writing tools I use every day Some of the best writing tools to get work done In the 6 years I’ve been working as a freelance copywriter, my technique has changed a lot. In the beginning, I worked as a freelancer during my 2 days at home from my part-time job. I was also looking after a toddler so it

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How I’m surviving lockdown in Sydney (just)

How I’m surviving lockdown in Sydney (just) Here in Sydney, we’re in week 5 (or is it 6?) of lockdown with no end in sight. The novelty has well and truly worn off. It wasn’t so bad in the beginning – ‘lockdown light’ felt like it was going to pass quickly, probably just a few weeks. And it was school holidays,

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